Paths Of Change

Each healing works with the needs of the individual, usually a combination of several of the protocols. Arrange a free 15 min chat to discuss in which area I can help you. Mostly the healing can take place remotely, working in the energetic field. In person is very welcome too!

Be curious, experience how transformational Shamanic Healing can be.

Sacred Drum Medicine

By Drumming the heartbeat, connecting us to the Earth, this healing seeks to release energy blocks within the body, through sound and vibration. The sound of the Drum has been used by shamanic cultures for millennia to bring the body back into balance. I also use other Medicine tools to aid the clearing and sealing of the energy field.

Studies show this therapy increases endorphins in the brain, helping to realign neural pathways which subsequently boost the immune system and the body’s own response to well being. This helps with pain relief, anxiety, stress, overcoming addictions and behavioral problems, to name but a few.

In person or distance healing

Soul Retrieval 

From a Shamanic point of view, all illness has a root cause in emotional overwhelm. Soul Retrieval, through shamanic journeying to unseen realms, seeks to return lost essence to the body, to regain a sense of wholeness and clarity. This benefits all areas of our lives.

Soul loss happens when we are subjected to emotional overwhelm or physical trauma. It can be something as seemingly innocuous as being told off as a child. A small part of our essence removes it’s self in order to self protect. A way of dealing with the situation by blocking it. This in turn may show up as disconnection or a feeling of something is missing in adult life.

In person or distance healing.

Power Animal Retrieval

Hectic modern living can cause us to feel depleted, without power. Retrieving our Power animals can give us much needed energy, help us feel protected and safe. As we embody the aspects and hold the seed of that animal in our belly, we can learn to see through it’s eyes. Whether it is butterfly or jaguar, we can work with the qualities of that animal to gain strength and insights.

In person or distance healing.

Rattle Medicine

The Medicine person has many tools available for healing. The Rattle is a very sacred tool and used to break up and release any harmful or stuck energy, which may be holding us back. The sound of the Rattle has a powerful effect on the body, it is used to change the energy field around a person.

Physical aches and pains can be worked on. This is a powerful healing.

In person or distance healing.

Rattle and Sacred Stones are used to remove unwanted and intrusive energies which have become stuck within our energy field, causing physical illness/addictions/ mental health issues/ emotional overwhelm.

Unwanted heavy energies can attach themselves to us and cause serious illness. They can come from other people’s vitriolic behavior towards us, or addictions, anger or fear, making us vulnerable. They are not ‘evil’, just in the wrong place. These intrusive energies need to be released and replaced with positive energy.

In person healing only

Extraction/ Intrusion Removal

Soul Energy Release

Using Rattle and Crystals, this healing focuses on releasing any energy we may be holding onto that belongs to another person. For example, relationship break ups or deaths can be traumatic and we may unwittingly hold onto another soul’s energy. This does not benefit either party and can cause illness. This can relate to family, friends and even past lives. This healing also works to dissolve old contracts and agreements from previous lifetimes, still affecting this lifetime. Releasing unwanted energy allows us to move on with a lightness and renewed power.

In person or distance healing.

Shamanic Medicine should not replace allopathic medicine without the consent of your GP. 

Energy Exchanges

Healing sessions last between 1-2 hrs. Your healing is led by you.

Emailed notes from the session included.

£50 - £85 per hour, ALLIGNED EXCHANGE

I am excited to offer healing sessions on a sliding scale basis. You select an amount, between the most affordable to the most generous, that best aligns with you. If you are able to afford a higher price point , you will be generously helping those who are currently not able to.

It’s important that there is an exchange between client and practitioner. It validates our commitment to stepping onto this path. Encouraging us to engage fully with the sessions and offer a willingness to move forward with our lives.

Money has an energetic value and our beliefs around money may well challenge us. We can choose to view our lives from a place of scarcity or abundance. Even if the lowest price point is out of your reach right now, do get in touch. We can find another way to exchange.

1:1 Transformational Mentoring £150 per two hour session